ASSOCIATION OF BUILDERS AND DEVELOPERS OF PAKISTAN (ABAD) is a national level representative organization of builders and developers, formed in the year 1972 with the aim and objective of unifying and streamlining the construction activities of private sector. ABAD is registered under the Companies Ordinance, 1984 with Registration No. KAR No. 4967 of 1977-78 and licensed under Trade Organizations Ordinance, 2007 and it’s affiliated with the Federation of Pakistan Chamber of commerce and Industry (FPCCI).
The principal aims and objectives of ABAD include.
- Unifying builders and developers for their collective good.
- Promoting housing industry in the country.
- Providing assistance to the Government in formulating its housing policies and plans.
- Co-coordinating between ABAD members, the Government and other agencies.
- Dealing with problems faced by its members in the execution of their projects.
- Organized research.
- Awareness and training program to promote the science and art of building.
- Working actively for eradication of unethical business practices from the housing and development field.
- Exploring the prospects of large-scale projects in the public sector and then acting as a consortium of ABAD members to secure and execute the projects.
Today, ABAD has in its fold more than 1,400 leading construction companies in the country. Most of its members’ offices are equipped with up-to-date systems of designing, cost control, project management and the latest civil engineering techniques to minimize the cost of construction. The association operates on democratic lines with the election of One Chairman, Senior Vice Chairman, Vice Chairman and Managing Committees and One Chairman from each of its two regions i.e., Southern Region and Northern Region for a full term of the year. The Chairman & Sr. Vice Chairman is elected among Full / Ordinary members and the Vice Chairman from Associate Members and One Chairman each from its two respective.
The Elected office-bearers for the term as 2023-24 are Mr. Asif Sumsum, Chairman; Mr. Ibrahim S. Habib, Senior Vice Chairman; Mr. Zeeshan Siddique, Vice Chairman; Mr. Mustafa Shaikhani, Chairman Southern Region, Mr. Sultan Gohar Chairman Northern Region (Lahore) and Mr. Zulfiquar Frooqui Vice Chairman Hyderabad Sub-Region. As a representative organization of the country’s builders and developers, ABAD has made a valuable contribution in the formulation of National Housing Policy and Sindh building Control Ordinance. It has also played a leading role in securing an increase in the House Building Finance Corporation component of housing loans as well as the allocation to HBFC in the Federal Budget.
In the provincial capital of Sindh, ABAD has played a pivotal role in procurement of land for its members and also for the issuance of no objection to them by Karachi Development Authority. Other major achievements of ABAD include increasing the covered area of flats, fixation of the selling price of housing units, inclusion of a provision of escalation, simplification of the procedure for the permission to mortgage and registration of leases, increase in the period of completion and streamlining of documentation procedures regularly. Although there is a pressing requirement for houses in the city yet on account of non-availability of infrastructure and other amenities, some schemes cannot be developed due to scarcity, efforts to remove these bottlenecks are continuing on all possible levels.
As a socially responsible organization in addition to the above core functions ABAD also extends donations and other kinds of support to deserving institutions and welfare organizations. A safe shelter to live in is recognized the world over as a fundamental human right and that is the vision behind ABAD’s efforts and ventures.